10 Important Concepts to boost your React Knowledge

All Fundamentals Concepts About React.js

About React:
Exactly react is not a framework, it’s defined as a JavaScript library .
Jordan Walke made it 7 years ago and it’s an open-source JavaScript Library.
It’s a tool for on-demand use. You can make and use you own API Or All Fakedata by using react. It’s a UI Based language and that’s reason for called it worth language.

JavaScript Framework And Library Definition:
In JavaScript , Framework is an application which use for proper organization and shape for an webpage. And a JavaScript Library is an library which contains a pack of function and complete some useful work for an webpage. It’s Flexible and for some disadvantage framework is not flexible as library.

Virtual DOM:
DOM means Document Object Model. The process of Virtual DOM known as reconciliation. Virtual DOM is a node tree like as original DOM and it’s fast like the actual . It listed elements , attributes ,contents like as their components and objects.

JavaScript XML or JSX use for using HTML in React.js . And it makes React application easier to write. Also you can write expression by using JSX.

Default Props:
It’s used for undefined props and describe the component class by itself as a property. It set the default props for the class .There have some ways to handle default props.

It’s a library which minimize problem in React. It pass the correct prop object types to the component.

